Labour Fringe

On Tuesday I attended a meeting led by Prof Prem Sikka to launch the book
Fighting Corporate Abuse “Fighting Corporate Abuse”. He wrote it with a “collective” of other authors who don’t put their names to the individual chapters because they want it to be seen as a collective effort. I haven’t read it yet because I decided on the spur of the moment to bike it up to Manchester. It was well worth it fo the chance to meet Prem Sikka and his co-workers to to chat over lunch too. I’ve come away knowing some excellent people trying to get to grips with making our nation’s working life much fairer and freindly to the ordinary citizen.

About admin

Grew up in Belfast, son of professor of surgery and a lady almoner (ie a medical social worker) assistant surgeon on an off between campaigns for release of prisoners of conscience in Soviet Union, worked for peace in Sudan and now for a new vision and purpose for national life to draw us together as a team doing a job that everybody can see is honourable and important. Live in Birmingham since 1983. Recent visits to eastern and south eastern Europe.
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