Just off to Birmingham city centre to collect a petition to stay in the EU

I have a big 8 foot by 5 foot EU flag which I hope to display and a petition on sheets of A4 which says to Mrs May “We’d like to remain in the EU , please.” So I hope to find some supporters for that sentiment and I might be off to London soon to take it to Downing Street.

The EU is a really good idea and we should be part of the team building a peaceful community throughout Europe for us all to enjoy.

About admin

Grew up in Belfast, son of professor of surgery and a lady almoner (ie a medical social worker) assistant surgeon on an off between campaigns for release of prisoners of conscience in Soviet Union, worked for peace in Sudan and now for a new vision and purpose for national life to draw us together as a team doing a job that everybody can see is honourable and important. Live in Birmingham since 1983. Recent visits to eastern and south eastern Europe.
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