wilmslow contacts sought

I am looking for people in Wilmslow and Knutsford ie constituents of the Chancellor Rt Hon George Osborne MP who will take an interest in how money comes into existence and why it matters so much.

If you are interested please contact me.

Commercial banks shouldn’t be allowed to create all our money and issue it into circulation in the act of issuing loans. Then all our money is a debt to the banks (or hired fromt he banks) whereas it should be created debt-free by the Bank of England as an asset of the nation.


Dick Rodgers     see @dick_rodgers and my website page about budgets and banks. Thanks

About admin

Grew up in Belfast, son of professor of surgery and a lady almoner (ie a medical social worker) assistant surgeon on an off between campaigns for release of prisoners of conscience in Soviet Union, worked for peace in Sudan and now for a new vision and purpose for national life to draw us together as a team doing a job that everybody can see is honourable and important. Live in Birmingham since 1983. Recent visits to eastern and south eastern Europe.
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