Common Good – a (small) British political party

    • Britain needs a unifying national purpose – namely, to work to make the world a better place and, at home, to model the kind of healthy, kindly, more equal society that is in keeping with such a purpose.
    • I am standing in the 4th July 2024 General Election in Birmingham Northfield to promote this inspiring vision for our country at home and abroad and also, importantly, to urge a bold increase in the supply of military aid to Ukraine funded by the very substantial sum of £100 billion created by Quantitative Easing . (The Bank of England found it possible to create £875 billion for the banking and Covid crises.) We should also build a large citizen army, as Britain’s chief soldier has said, of skilled reservists on stand-by to serve at short notice.

    • Apologies if you can’t get these links to open. I haven’t worked out how to present them as pictures actually on the page rather than a link that on some devices may not open. Sorry. …. It’s all good stuff, however. Believe me! Basically I’m saying its urgent to help Ukraine enough to steady their nerves and help them to keep believing that they can hold out against Russia’s invasion or there will be severe consequences for us all.  AND as a nation we should find ourselves again in caring about the world and that I can see the beginnings of an answer to the deep sickness of British society (kids on drugs and caught up in knife crime, fractured society, etc, etc) and some ways our systems need to change to start to get on top of them and in a deeper way than the ding dong of current party politics facilitates.
    • My latest leaflet
    • Leaflet Northfield

  • My election leaflet for 4th July 2024 Birmingham Northfield genelec2024  genelecA2024

  • This website has been dormant for some years during a slough of despond during the Scottish Referendum, Brexit, Boris John’s Premiership, Nigel Farage’s input and Donald Trump. I’m coming out from under the “duvet” because the ideas rumbling around in my head need action. I have deeper political answers than any big party but I intend to get out and about to get this stuff to happen.

  • Lots of people are struggling. I have some answers which are probably easy to dismiss but I hope to put energy into pressing and persuading for these to happen.

  • The Common Good party facebook
  • My YouTube is
  • My X formerly Twitter
  • Please forgive the outdatedness of some of the rest of the website. I am embarking on an update.

  • I kept a vigil in Birmingham’s New Street for six weeks before Easter 2024 to honour brave Russians imprisoned for opposing Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
  • My past entries here give the flavour of my political message and style! I have tried my hand at about 12 elections since 2004 – often beaten by the Monster Raving Loony party. I last tried to stand in Amersham and Chesham in 2021 but it was all about HS2 opposition and I couldn’t have made progress there.

  • Please click here to see my April 2021 leaflet that I distributed in the Chesham and Amersham constituency to ‘test the waters’ there.


Peterborough’s beautiful medieval cathedral where I stood in 2019

Main Square Peterborough

I stood in the Peterborough By-Election of June 2019 saying we should stay in the EU and met Nigel Farage albeit briefly. I still think the European Union is a tremendous peace project which has turned Europe from postwar devastation in 1945 to today’s democratic and increasingly fair society. I would have liked us to stay in the EU and still hope we will rejoin soon.

Please see my 2019 leaflet for Peterborough here.

Here’s my Peterborough Banner

Dick Rodgers 63 Meadow Brook Birmingham B31 1ND. Thank you so much!

 See my 2019 leaflet given out in New Street Birmingham

 See my recent banner used in Birmingham


I stood (see the picture below) also in 2017 in Edgbaston Birmingham in the General Election for staying in the EU in the constituency that had been represented by Gisela Stewart the prominent “Leave” campaigner.

Dick Rodgers    



I describe my worldview more fully in   About us

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