Is banking to blame for poverty and debt?

I invite you to a presentation about how the money and banking system works and how it should be put right. It is a really important issue and getting it right would do a lot to get the country and the economy back on the right track for the good of all. It affects us all: young and old, employed and unemployed, whoever you are getting it right would change your life and your children’s prospects.

I will present the analysis of a group called Positive Money  and also add some experiences and ideas of my own (and will show clearly which are which!).

10.30 to 12.30 Saturday 21st April Northfield Library Church Road Birmingham B31 2LB Parking nearby. Bus from Birmingham city centre No 61 62X 63 or train to Northfield Station and a short walk. No charge to attend. Refreshments.


About admin

Grew up in Belfast, son of professor of surgery and a lady almoner (ie a medical social worker) assistant surgeon on an off between campaigns for release of prisoners of conscience in Soviet Union, worked for peace in Sudan and now for a new vision and purpose for national life to draw us together as a team doing a job that everybody can see is honourable and important. Live in Birmingham since 1983. Recent visits to eastern and south eastern Europe.
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